Turning life's moments into memories

In the symphony of life, weddings are a harmonious crescendo of love and joy. At Planner of Things, we dance in perfect rhythm with your vendors, gracefully gliding through the enchanting intricacies of wedding planning. Like skilled conductors, we orchestrate every detail, ensuring a symphonic celebration that mesmerizes all. Embrace the delightful journey without the stress, as we lead you through a whimsical and unforgettable wedding experience!

party collections

Collections begin at $X,XXX. Most couples spend $X,XXX.

Day-of Coordination

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Booking Inquiries

what to expect


Inquire about your date

By inquiring with Planner of Things, you’ll receive full pricing information, along with availability.


Schedule a meetup or a call

We’ll get to know each other and deep dive into your wedding.



Select a collection, or request a custom collection.


30-day Check in

We’ll get ready for your event by covering all logistics.

Get in touch to receive more info & availability.

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Booking Inquiries